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The Blue Heron Rookery

The Walnut woodlot is home to over 30 Great Blue Heron nests! These big birds will migrate to the south during winter and come back to the farm in the spring. To protect these special birds we limit access to the rookery, please pre-plan with us if you would like to observe this unique experience.

Our Pawpaws

Our woodlot is home to various patches of pawpaw trees! These trees are rare in Canada as south-western Ontario is the northernmost part of their natural growth range. These trees produce fruit that we collect to make delicious jam for our guests. It can be difficult to find this fruit in a supermarket because they are highly perishable, so come and have a taste from our local trees!

Bald Eagles

Bald Eagles have a big presence in the region. You can find them flying around the property and nearby roads. There are also many known locations of their nests that you can check out from a distance to protect their privacy! 



Screech and Great Horned owls can also regularly be seen and heard in our woodlot. These birds of prey will generally remain quiet and hidden during the day, but will become more active between sunset and dawn. Call in the owls on a winter visit.

Species to Discover!


Help us discover what other species come to visit Walnut B&B! Our woodlot, grasslands and ponds can provide a very suitable habitat for reptiles and amphibians, as well as migrating birds. Therefore, there are plenty more species to find during your stay! We invite you to take many pictures and post them on INaturalist to learn more about what species come to visit our property!

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